Sport and Wellness Nutrition
Personalised Nutritional Advice
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Sports Nutrition
Optimising nutrition for sports performance is a complex subject.
We will help you to establish your optimum nutritional plan.
Nutritional requirements vary greatly between sports but, more importantly, effective solutions need to be tailored to the individual.  There’s no point saying ‘take on board carbs every 20 mins during endurance’ if eating or drinking whilst running or cycling makes you feel sick.
Some guidelines for specific sports can be found within the blog pages; contact us for an analysis of your personal requirements and an individual plan to ensure that you have the best nutritional support for your sports activities.
Detailed dietary analysis is available, giving you a comprehensive report covering all nutrient requirements.
BMI, body fat percentage, lactate and heart rate threshold testing are available.

Healthy Eating
For greatest benefit, all training, pre- and post-event nutrition needs to be applied on top of a sound base – that’s a healthy day-to-day diet. 
More information on healthy eating can be found on the Health page.
 Sport Exercise Nutrition Nutritionist Buckingham Bucks Bicester Banbury Brackley Winslow