Vegetarian Runners

Looking at the pros and cons of a vegetarian diet for runners – it’s clear that there’s no reason to think that veggies are disadvantaged.
There are well-established health benefits associated with vegetarian diets.  The critical factor is to ensure that the diet contains a balance of nutrients.
Runners needs lots of carbs – starchy foods and sugars – for energy.  Protein is needed for muscle repair, but only in moderate amounts.  Many veggies will eat eggs, fish and dairy products, as well as plant sources of protein (pulses and grains) and it’s important to eat a good range of proteins to avoid lacking in essential amino acids.  Whilst fat has a bad press in many contexts, it is critical to include some in the diet in order to aid in vitamin absorption.
Eating lots of different vegetables and fruits is a real bonus in increasing vitamin, mineral and antioxidant intakes.
Two key minerals to look out for, however, are calcium and iron. 
Calcium is essential for long term bone health and the main sources are dairy products.
Iron is a key component of the blood’s oxygen carrying capacity and it is most readily available in animal sources, including eggs.  Iron from plant sources such as spinach, apricots and fortified breakfast cereals is less well absorbed and so greater quantities need to be eaten.

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