Category Archives: Dietary supplements


How many do you have in your kitchen?

Superfoods 1

Chia seeds, goji berries, wheatgrass, white tea… the list seems to get longer every week as another ‘superfood’ hits the headlines.  Some less exotic everyday foods fit the bill, some may have even more antioxidants than the superfoods and many may already be in your fridge, freezer or cupboard.

FfT 1403 – Superfoods

Superfoods 2

Friendly bacteria, probiotics and prebiotics – allies or fads?

Bacteria - procaryote - colour

Bacteria are just about everywhere in the environment as well as in, and on, us.  They live throughout the human gut but the greatest concentrations are in the large intestine (bowel) where up to 1000 species of bacteria can be found.

We should aim to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria within the gut.  This balance can be disturbed by a number of factors including antibiotics, stress, poor diet and living conditions, concurrent diseases and allergic reactions.  Probiotics and prebiotics are agents employed in restoring the balance and/or protecting against disruption.

Blg 1312 Pre Pro biotics v2