Category Archives: Weight management

Maintaining a healthy weight; weight loss

Fasting diets for weight loss

A new philosophy or the latest fad?

Several fasting diets have become very popular in recent months: the 5:2 diet promoted in a BBC documentary last Summer, the alternate day diet and the 8 hour diet, to name just three.  Some experts say that these diets will result in weight loss and health benefits such as increased lifespan and prevention of cognitive decline.  Other experts are concerned about the overall effectiveness and safety of fasting.

Read on to find out how much fasting is really involved, whether or not the diets are likely to work and what pitfalls you might expect to encounter…

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Beware of the silent calories

If ‘going on a diet’ sounds like a step too far, you may be able to reduce your calorie intake less painfully by cutting down on some of the worst offenders, the foods (and drinks) that are loaded with calories but don’t satisfy or fill you up for very long.

Replace those silent calories with some lower calorie alternatives, and increase your activity levels, and soon you could be losing excess weight steadily and permanently.

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