Tag Archives: Fruit

Back to basics

the eatwell plate

A balanced diet is not just about calories; the source of those calories will influence the overall quality of your diet and the true nutritional value.

Ideally we should be aiming for 50% of our calories being provided by carbohydrates, 35% by fats and 15% by protein.  That really isn’t very helpful, when we can’t visualise those calories to start with but there’s a useful Public Health England graphic known as the eatwell plate …

FfT 1603 – Back to basics blg


How many do you have in your kitchen?

Superfoods 1

Chia seeds, goji berries, wheatgrass, white tea… the list seems to get longer every week as another ‘superfood’ hits the headlines.  Some less exotic everyday foods fit the bill, some may have even more antioxidants than the superfoods and many may already be in your fridge, freezer or cupboard.

FfT 1403 – Superfoods

Superfoods 2