Category Archives: HRR Food for thought

Fuelling for the big race – carb loading

Are you training for a Spring marathon, or perhaps a slightly shorter race?

As race day approaches you’ll need to think about fuel for your race – how and when to take on the extra carbohydrate fuel that you’ll need.  Don’t leave it to the last minute to make your plans – you’ll need to try out everything before race day.

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Fuelling for the big race

At this time of year you may be training for a Spring race, perhaps a marathon or a shorter distance.  You’ll have a training plan that leads you to increase your mileage and/or put in some speed sessions.  If you are increasing your training mileage you’ll need more energy.  If you are training harder, and for longer, you’ll be increasing the physiological stresses on your body and you need to take precautions against those stresses having adverse effects on your overall health.

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Beware of the silent calories

If ‘going on a diet’ sounds like a step too far, you may be able to reduce your calorie intake less painfully by cutting down on some of the worst offenders, the foods (and drinks) that are loaded with calories but don’t satisfy or fill you up for very long.

Replace those silent calories with some lower calorie alternatives, and increase your activity levels, and soon you could be losing excess weight steadily and permanently.

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Vegetarian Runners

Looking at the pros and cons of a vegetarian diet for runners – it’s clear that there’s no reason to think that veggies are disadvantaged.
There are well-established health benefits associated with vegetarian diets.  The critical factor is to ensure that the diet contains a balance of nutrients.